CET Innovating, implementing, and scaling the environmental solutions communities need to thrive. Launch Date : March 4, 1976 Florence 413-586-7350 cet@cetonline.org Employees : 105 Identity : Woman Owned http://cetonline.org
Remotely Good The perfect place to find remote jobs in nonprofits, government, politics, and businesses that do good. Launch Date : March 23, 2023 Virtual 8602944965 remotelygood@substack.com Employees : 1 Identity : Woman Owned http://Remotelygood.substack.com
The Sphere Northampton The Sphere is dedicated to building an inclusive community that uplifts and inspires women and nonbinary entrepreneurs. Launch Date : April 1, 2023 Florence thespherenorthampton@gmail.com Employees : 2 Identity : Woman Owned spherenorthampton.com